Is it hard to get Virginia spousal support?

Is it hard to get Virginia spousal support?

Spousal support is one of the more contentious topics in family law, as I’m sure you’re already aware.  In Virginia, the law on spousal support is not at all like child support, which is established by a formula and applied across the board.  No, spousal support is a lot more flexible on three points –...

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When a marriage starts to fall apart, it’s definitely not the most comfortable experience – especially if you and your soon-to-be ex are still living under the same roof.  In most family law cases, the facts really, really matter, so its hard to make generalized, one-size-fits-all type statements.  If you’re living in the same home,...

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In Virginia, there is no requirement that you hire an attorney to represent you in a divorce or custody case, whether at the juvenile or circuit court level (or even beyond, if your case merits an appeal). If you choose not to hire an attorney, you represent yourself.  We call people who represent themselves pro...

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I don’t want anything but a divorce.

  Maybe you suspect things will be difficult. Maybe he’s refusing outright to sign anything that you prepare. Maybe there’s legitimately nothing to divide in your divorce. For whatever reason, you tell your attorney, “I don’t want anything from him – anything at all – except a divorce.” When people tell me that, it makes...

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  In Equitable Distribution, the legal process through which we divide the assets and liabilities of a marriage between the parties, the court doesn’t automatically assume a 50/50 split. This is different than states that follow a Community Property model of division. In equitable distribution (or ED, as we sometimes call it), it’s almost like...

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Dividing Inheritance in Divorce

Dividing Inheritance in Divorce You probably already know (or at least suspect) that things that you earned or purchased during the marriage are marital property, and will be divided in the divorce. For most people, that means we’re talking about dividing the big ticket items – real property (houses and land), retirement and investment accounts,...

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Divorce Disabled Wife

Divorce is scary at the best of times, but if you’re suffering from a disability, it can be even worse. Everyone is worried about how, after divorce, they’ll be able to afford a lifestyle that is even remotely similar to the one they’ve been enjoying. When we’re talking less about paying for a house and...

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His, Hers, Ours: Classifying Property in Divorce

When you’re happily married, everything is “ours”.  But as soon as one of you starts talking about a potential separation, it’s funny how many things suddenly become “mine” – especially from a man’s perspective.  I’ve only ever represented women only in divorce and custody cases, so I can speak most easily and comfortably about a...

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