I was served with divorce papers; what do I do now?

There are very few things as alarming as being served with legal-looking paperwork and not being sure what that means for you or how to respond.  In general, though, you’re right to be concerned – not that this is the end of the world, but legal paperwork usually means that you’re going to need to...

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If you’re not familiar with the law – and, really, why would you be? – you probably find that there’s a lot in your potential upcoming divorce or custody case to confuse and overwhelm you, aside from just dealing with the regular transitions and upheaval that these types of cases can bring into your personal...

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What is a retainer in Virginia divorce?

We get a lot of questions about the cost of divorce, pro bono work, attorney’s fees (like, can I make him pay mine?) and so much more. We find that there’s a lot of confusion about how attorney’s charge for their work and what it actually costs. That’s probably for a lot of reasons. I...

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Quote for Divorce Costs

We get a lot of questions about costs in a divorce case. It’s probably unsurprising, because we’re inundated with the bad stuff about divorce – how much it costs, how long it takes, the damage it causes the children, etc. But, the thing is, divorce isn’t always a bad thing, or, at least, it doesn’t...

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Attorney’s Fees and Divorce

It’s scary, when you’re thinking of divorcing and splitting up all the things you’ve acquired jointly during the course of your marriage, to think also about the money you may have to pay to have an attorney represent you. It’s confusing, too, because different attorneys handle fees differently. You’ve heard, I’m sure, of the contingent...

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