Virginia Divorce After 10 Years of Marriage

Virginia Divorce After 10 Years of Marriage

They say that marriages fall apart in increments of 7 – 7 years, 14 years, 21 years, and so on.  It’s where the whole “Seven Year Itch” thing came from.  In a lot of ways, I see it.  Even though the first year of marriage is sometimes tumultuous, people tend to settle into a groove...

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Virginia Divorce After 5 Years of Marriage

Marriage doesn’t always last forever, and that’s okay.  In fact, I generally think that, the shorter the marriage, the easier the divorce, mostly because there’s not often THAT much to divide.  Life changing money usually isn’t made in just a few years, which means the stakes are generally correspondingly smaller. Why is that good?  It...

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  In all honesty, most attorneys in the Hampton Roads area have a pretty high degree of familiarity with military divorces. In fact, in many ways, military divorces aren’t really all that different from regular, ‘civilian’ divorces. Divorce is never ‘one size fits all’, whether military or not, but there are some general basics that...

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I don’t want anything but a divorce.

  Maybe you suspect things will be difficult. Maybe he’s refusing outright to sign anything that you prepare. Maybe there’s legitimately nothing to divide in your divorce. For whatever reason, you tell your attorney, “I don’t want anything from him – anything at all – except a divorce.” When people tell me that, it makes...

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Virginia Monthly Divorce Seminars

Divorce is scary. It can feel overwhelming. And, if you’ve never been here before – and, possibly, even if you have – it’s easy to not even know all the things that you don’t know. What are your rights? What are you entitled to receive? What responsibilities will you have? Will you receive child and/or...

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Everyone wants to save on attorney’s fees. No one likes the idea of shelling out all the money for a retainer and ultimately having very little control over how much a divorce costs. It feels like a blank check, and at a time in your life where you’re probably even more concerned about how every...

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Virginia Divorce Case Strategy

The other night – actually, at Girl’s Night Out – I sat and talked for awhile with a woman who is in the middle of an ongoing divorce and custody case. She didn’t hire an attorney from our firm, and I could tell that she was just desperate to talk about her situation. She wanted...

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Most people have a lot of questions about the divorce process – even if they understand the basics. After all, there’s a lot that is really fact specific, and it can be hard to apply a general principle to a specific situation. Even if you can sort of guess what the answer might be, you...

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