We all have social media accounts. Or, at least, virtually all of us do. And, for many of us, it’s an integral part of every day life. For me, as a millennial, I barely remember a time before computers, and, even though I remember getting my Facebook account (back when Facebook was limited to students...
Managing Social Media During Your Divorce
It seems like, at some point or another, I’ve run across an issue related to almost every social media platform. It’s a little frustrating, sometimes, because, at some point, a person made the decision to post, share, pin, or tweet something that they didn’t HAVE to post, share, pin, or tweet, and now it’s an...
We’ve talked a lot about social media and its various attendant issues as it relates to divorce and custody cases. We’ve talked about issues with Facebook and Snapchat and Twitter and Instagram and even other sources – like crowdfunding, blogging, and online dating sites like Tinder. Technology is great in so many ways, but, when...
We’re all on social media. And we’re all sharing information with the world at large at an alarming rate. Sometimes, when I think about it, (and usually, if I’m being honest, I try NOT to think about it) I feel pretty nervous. I’m not all that young anymore, but I’ve had a Facebook account since...