He says he’ll give me what the kids need so I don’t need child support.

Child Support for Unborn Babies in Virginia

The expenses related to a child don’t start accruing once the baby has been born; no, as you are no doubt already aware, they start piling up from the moment you find out that you’re expecting. If you and your child’s father are heading towards a separation or divorce, or you aren’t together and are...

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No sooner than you and your child’s father separate than you suddenly start dealing with all sorts of issues that would never have been issues before – one of them, or at least one of the ones that I often come across, is related to medical testing and diagnoses. Maybe you’ve suspected for years that...

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Kids keep you busy.  If it’s not one season, it’s another.  And between the after-school events, social activities, birthday parties, sports, summer camps, classes, and other activities, it can be overwhelming shuttling the kids to and from all of it. Keeping up with the calendar alone can be challenging enough, but for separated and divorced...

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