Family law – which includes divorce, child custody, visitation, child support, and spousal support – is a particular area of law that is incredibly state-specific. What you find to be true in one state is not necessarily true in another. Even states that are nearby – like, for example, North Carolina and Virginia – are...
Is there a 50/50 presumption for custody in Virginia?
We talked the other day about being an unmarried stay at home mom, what happens after you and your child’s father break up, and what options you have to support yourself. Without spousal support as an option, you’re pretty much limited to child support – which is a difficult position in which to find yourself....
When spousal support is an issue (and it often is), there are three possible issues: first, whether spousal support should be awarded at all; second, if so, then how long should the award of spousal support be expected to continue; and, third, if so, how much spousal support should the recipient spouse expect to receive....
So, who receives Virginia child support? In many ways, child support isn’t a very complicated proposition. Most cases fall somewhere within the realm of normal, and very predictable things happen. Of course, there are cases that are outliers, for one reason or another, and that make it difficult to make blanket statements about child support...