Can I record a conversation in Virginia?

Can I record a conversation in Virginia?

When tensions start to escalate, and it looks like you might be headed towards a divorce or custody case, it’s tempting to want to use whatever methods are available to you to gather the evidence you might need – up to and including recording conversations. But what’s legal varies pretty dramatically from state to state,...

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As a mom myself, I’m a member of a lot of online communities for moms. They’re not all divorce and custody related but, as you’re probably aware, we slip into that territory fairly often. I hear all sorts of questions related to it, and, mostly, in an online capacity, I don’t answer. These people don’t...

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Is there anything else to talk about besides Coronavirus and its impact on the world we thought we knew? As far as I’m concerned, I don’t really think so! As far as it relates to custody and visitation, there are a number of related issues. It creates a really interesting and complicated set of circumstances,...

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