Seminars & Events

A little advice can go a long way. At Hofheimer Family Law Firm, because we are dedicated to representing women only in divorce and custody cases, we’ve got years of experience that will help you make the best decisions possible for yourself and your future. The issues that women face in divorce and custody cases are unique and constantly changing; you want guidance that will help you protect your family, your assets, and all the other things that are important to you. Experience in handling women’s issues in divorce is a must.

No matter where you are in the process, we can help you come up with a custom-tailored plan designed to meet your specific needs and take into account your priorities.

Virginia Divorce Seminars

Our monthly divorce seminars are taught three times a month via zoom on the 2nd Saturday at 8:30am, 3rd Tuesday at 6:30pm and the 3rd Thursday at 12:00pm.

Each seminar is taught by one of our attorneys, and questions are encouraged. Topics covered include:

• When am I separated?
• When can I change the locks?
• What are the different types of divorce?
• Do I have to hire an attorney? (Can I make him pay for my attorney?)
• Can I use a mediator instead?
• How much does divorce cost?

The cost to attend is just $39.99 if you pre-register online.

Virginia Custody Seminars

Don’t go to court alone – go to Custody Bootcamp first! Custody Bootcamp for Moms is an intense, all day custody seminar designed to help Virginia moms represent themselves at the juvenile court level in child custody and visitation cases.

Whether you’re choosing to represent yourself, want to check up on the job your current attorney is doing, or can’t afford to retain your own counsel, Custody Bootcamp for Moms will help give you the custody related information you need.

At Custody Bootcamp, you’ll learn:
• When to sit and stand, and how to address the judge;
• How to make killer opening and closing arguments;
• How to question and cross examine witnesses (and survive cross examination yourself);
• How to structure your case using the ten all-important best interests of the child factors;
• The ins and outs of working with Guardians ad litem and custody evaluators; and
• How to get your (good) evidence in and keep his (bad) evidence out.

The cost to attend is just $297, which is less than the cost of an hour with a moderately priced local attorney. For more information, or to request a copy of our free report “Can I REALLY Represent Myself in a Custody Case?” click here.

Girl’s Night Out

Sometimes, we just like to have fun – no divorce or custody case required.

Our Girl’s Night Out event series is designed to help Virginia women from all walks of life get together, network, relax, and enjoy each other’s company. It’s a totally social event; we provide the food and drinks, and it’s totally free to you.

For more information about our upcoming events, or to register to attend, click here

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