Monthly Archive: May 2018

Working with a GAL

Guardians ad litem – attorneys appointed to represent the interests of the child(ren) involved in your family law case – are scary. They’re necessary, too, because in a lot of cases, they’re really the only ones with the ability to look at both sides and make a recommendation to the judge. But…they make a recommendation...

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June GNO at Ocean View Fishing Pier

From October onward, I dream about the summer. And then, inevitably, it totally sneaks up on me! Every. Single. Year. How does that even happen? I’m a Hampton Roads girl, born and bred, and I love everything about the heat and humidity. In fact, I don’t think it can get too hot for me. I...

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Family Friendly Family Law Careers

Normally, I write about things you’d expect me to write about – divorce and custody cases, the laws, what to expect, how to behave, common pitfalls, and other mistakes women tend to make when it comes to facing a family law case in Virginia. Today, though, I’m going to write about something a little bit...

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Vacation Homes and Divorce

Equitable distribution is the fancy way we describe how property is divided in the Virginia divorce process. Under equitable distribution, the court looks at all a couple’s assets (the things that are worth money) and liabilities (yes, your debt gets divided, too!) and makes a determination about what each former spouse should take away from...

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Imputation of Income in Virginia Support Cases

How much are you REALLY worth? What are you actually capable of earning? These questions are at the root of a lot of our spousal support cases. To determine a person’s worth or earning potential, we have to look at a lot of variables – education, work experience, age, physical condition, qualifications, licenses and professional...

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Can I get a job while my divorce is pending?

Clients fall on either side of the spectrum. Either they do whatever they want, with very little thought for the consequences, or they want to run every little change by you before they make it on the off chance that it’ll somehow impact their case in some kind of way that they might not have...

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  Sharing custody with an ex is difficult, even under the best circumstances. No matter what, it’s hard to face the idea of splitting your child’s time – especially holidays, vacations, and other special occasions – and knowing that means you’ll have less time, possibly by as much as half. Weekends, too – obviously, these...

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Sharing divorce and custody related information

On Monday, I wrote about attorney client privilege, how it can be waived, and the potential ramifications that waiving privilege can have on your overall case. Obviously, attorney client privilege is important, and you should take every precaution to protect that privilege. It comes up a lot in initial consultations, when our prospective clients want...

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