Monthly Archive: August 2018

What not to wear to divorce court

I feel like there’s a whole list of things I shouldn’t have to say about what to wear when you go to court, but, then again, people wear things sometimes that make me shake my head. Whenever I’m in juvenile court, it seems like there’s always someone who thought it was appropriate to roll out...

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What if I get pregnant before I’m divorced?

I get it. Things don’t always work out exactly like we planned. Sometimes, unplanned things can pop up, and can complicate things in ways that we never anticipated. When it comes to babies and divorce, well, it sometimes happens. I don’t need to tell you it’s probably not ideal timing. But it’s a baby, and...

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I get asked all the time whether the court will make my client or prospective client do something lifestyle-based, like go back to work, put their kids in daycare, quit working, stop breastfeeding, stay in the same city as their ex husband, etc. In general, the answer is pretty clear. There’s not much that the...

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Divorce with a Newborn Baby

If things aren’t working out between you and your child’s father and you’ve got a newborn in the house, you’re not alone. But you’re probably feeling pretty alone, and overwhelmed, and, if you’re like every other mom in that dreaded 4th trimester, more than a little hormonal. Besides that, you’re exhausted, and that just doesn’t...

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Should I file for divorce?

Should I file for divorce? I get it. Divorce is frustrating. And sometimes, things just aren’t happening as quickly as you’d like them to. What’s the hold up? Why is his attorney taking so long? Is he even ever going to respond, or is he just jerking you around? Do you stand a chance of...

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Why don’t you do free consultations?

Why don’t you do free consultations? We get phone calls all day long asking about free consultations and pro bono legal services. It’s understandable. Facing a divorce or custody case is a pretty scary thing, and there aren’t court appointed attorneys to help in these types of cases. You may have heard all those Miranda...

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Dividing Inheritance in Divorce

Dividing Inheritance in Divorce You probably already know (or at least suspect) that things that you earned or purchased during the marriage are marital property, and will be divided in the divorce. For most people, that means we’re talking about dividing the big ticket items – real property (houses and land), retirement and investment accounts,...

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Every year on July 1st, new changes to the law take effect. This year, many of those changes impact family law cases. If you’re currently going through (or expect to go through) a family law case, you’ll want to know about the changes to the law, and how they might impact your case. It’s always...

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