Katie Carter

Divorce is a challenge, no matter what.  There are, though, some cases that are even more difficult than normal.  It can be hard, in the very early days, to accurately judge a case and determine whether *this* case will be one of the more difficult ones. One of the hardest things to navigate – in...

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“Ballpark” Family Law Attorney Cost

  Everyone wants a “ballpark” estimate for how much their family law case is going to cost and – who am I kidding? – I can completely understand.  It’s awful to feel like your divorce or custody case, and the corresponding legal representation, is some kind of terrifying blank check. It could cost $5,000; it...

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Mediation can be a cost effective way to resolve issues without having to go to court, but it’s still nice to be able to choose whether (or not) to participate in any mediated processes.  For one thing, mediators vary wildly – some are attorneys though most are not; some have familiarity with difficult personalities and...

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Oof.  I hate this question, mostly because there is so little I can do about it either way.  But – wait – let’s rewind. I get a lot of questions about family law and almost all are good ones, because it’s not like the legal system (including but not limited to family law) is not...

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Family law cases can be a little more confusing than cases in other areas of law because – depending on the type of case – you might find yourself in either circuit court or juvenile court.  Though some states call juvenile court ‘family court,’ and I’ve found that’s the way a lot of people refer...

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What does supervised visitation mean?

In most cases, both parents will have the opportunity to have uninterrupted, unsupervised parenting time with their minor children, whether by agreement between the parties or by court order. In extreme cases, though, it is possible that the court would order one party or the other to have supervised visitation.  This will usually be in...

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The legal process is not at all intuitive, so if you’re wondering what to expect – well, that makes a lot of sense.  Custody cases are some of the more challenging cases to navigate, too, because they’re handled in juvenile and domestic relations district courts, which – if you’ve had any run ins with the...

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There are many different ways that your child’s other parent can try to push the envelope by making you responsible for things that, really, you shouldn’t be solely responsible for if they’re an active and responsible coparent.  Extracurriculars are often one of those things. But how do you know if your question is one that...

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