We literally get calls every single day from women asking whether we will take their cases pro bono. I’m not sure where this all got started, but the reality is that we really can’t take entire cases pro bono. That doesn’t mean that your case isn’t serious, or that your financial situation isn’t bleak. It...
Divorce Lawyer Newport News
For many married couples, the home is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) asset. You’re going to have to do some thinking about what you want done with the home after divorce. For a lot of reasons, the home comes with a lot of emotional attachment, and different people have different ideas about...
When your husband is up to something sneaky, and you suspect that information related to his sneakiness will be beneficial in your divorce case, it’s tempting to want to try to gather every bit of evidence that you can yourself. Private investigators are expensive to hire (in fact, in many cases, their retainers rival what...
If you’re struggling with the idea of divorce, you’re not alone. I’ve never met a woman yet who didn’t take her marriage vows seriously, and who doesn’t lament breaking them when she sets foot in my office. In fact, I’ve talked to dozens of women who specifically tell me how much guilt they experience at...