
Virginia Common Law Marriage

In order to qualify for the benefits associated with marriage in Virginia, you’re going to need to actually walk down the aisle and get formally, legally married. Common Law marriage is a concept that has more or less fallen out of fashion and most states don’t recognize any kind of common law marriage designation.  Though...

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If you have a trust fund or received an inheritance – whether before, during, or after your marriage – one of your big concerns when it comes to separation and divorce is probably how to adequately protect that asset. For many families, divorce marks a major turning point in their lives, especially as it relates...

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Virginia Hybrid Property

In Virginia, we have three separate classifications for property: separate, marital, and hybrid.  How property is classified impacts how it will be divided in a divorce. Marital and separate property are clear; what is marital is divided in the divorce, and what is separate belongs to the party who separately owns it. Hybrid property, on...

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Coparenting Issues: Are You Gatekeeping?

There are a million different issues that come up in coparenting.  One of them – or, at least, one of the ones I hear about the most often – is gatekeeping. As a mom myself, I can completely relate.  All of the information coming at you about the kids at all times can feel insane. ...

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Marital and Hybrid Property in Virginia Divorce

In a divorce, we divide marital property.  What constitutes marital property can vary from state to state, so you should familiarize yourself with the laws in your particular state – or Commonwealth, as in the case of Virginia, where I practice. Though I imagine that the words may vary but the specific application is similar...

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Virginia Separate and Pre-Marital Property

As much as we often try to keep things amicable in a divorce or custody case, there are some things that are fairly well established hard and fast rules.  Dividing the retirement, for example, and how to handle division of equity in the home – easy peasy. Some of the more complicated issues are usually...

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Holiday Custody and Visitation

The holidays are a tough time in general, but they’re even tougher if you’re new to the whole separation and divorce thing.  The first set of holidays is, I think, the hardest, but that doesn’t mean that each year doesn’t present its own difficulties. My advice with respect to holiday custody and visitation is the...

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Can I move out of the marital home?

Remember the ending scene in When Harry Met Sally?  Harry realizes he loves Sally and wants to be with her, and he says, “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” It’s kind of like that...

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