
  Child support is always a challenging issue, especially because it’s an ongoing obligation – at least until your child reaches the age of 19 or graduates high school. If child support is ordered when the child is very young, things can change dramatically until they age out of the system and become a legal...

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One of my favorite questions to ask professionals – doctors, financial advisors, whoever – is what they’d do in my situation if they were me. So it sort of surprises me, frankly, that I haven’t written an article where I tell you what I’d do if I was in your shoes. Of course, it’s a...

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  Having a child is a momentous occasion – but it’s also sometimes a fairly complicated one, especially if you and your child’s father aren’t together anymore. In reality, going into parenthood, especially with someone to whom you are no longer romantically attached (or maybe even to whom you were never really romantically attached) is...

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Should 50/50 Custody be a Legal Requirement?

  Custody and visitation is a challenge in any set of circumstances. It’s worth mentioning that, even among happily married couples, parenting challenges arise pretty consistently. It should probably come as no surprise that, for people who tried to be involved but ultimately couldn’t make the marriage or relationship work long term, there are additional...

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All About Prenuptial Agreements in Virginia

  At the outset of this discussion, I’ll admit: I take a dim view of prenuptial agreements. So, with that being said, I plan to use this article to discuss with you the various merits and demerits of prenuptial agreements. If you’re going into this hoping to decide that a prenuptial agreement is the solution...

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Hiring a Family Law Lawyer

Hey, you do you, right? I mean, that’s the way of the world anymore. Except … when what you want to do is not cool. So, real talk. Sometimes, we have clients who aren’t happy. I think probably just about every professional service group (doctors, lawyers, accountants, therapists, whatever) ultimately have some unhappy clients sometimes....

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Coparenting and Medical Emergencies

Kids get hurt sometimes, despite our best efforts to keep them safe. When I was a kid, my younger sister once knocked out her front teeth at school in a game of crab soccer. Another time, she fell while climbing over our fence to get a ball for the dog, and needed a ton of...

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  We talked Wednesday in a fair amount of detail about what happens when your co-parent violates a coparenting agreement or order entered by a court. Orders entered by the court are enforceable, which is why we go to all the trouble to make sure that our agreements are processed this way and that, when...

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