
We had sex. Are we still separated?

Legal separation is one of those areas of law where we end up with a lot of questions. It really matters, too, because for most of your different grounds of divorce, you’re going to have to prove that you were separated for the statutory period. The only exception to that is adultery – which technically...

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Divorce Questions: Will Anyone Believe Me?

  A friend of mine is getting a divorce. Actually, if I’m being honest, it was her soon to be ex husband who was our friend first; I met her through him. As two professional women sometimes do, though, we struck up a friendship. I liked her personally. I liked her work ethic. I loved...

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How to Best Support Divorcing Women

  If I’ve learned anything at all about divorce, it’s that it doesn’t always look the way you expect it to. For all the people who publicly change their status on social media or who are pretty quickly seen dating someone new, there are lots of others who suffer in silence for a time –...

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  In my experience, courts come down kind of hard on coparents about the way that they share their coparenting responsibilities. In fact, I’ve heard of some cases where one party was given primary custody because, of the two parents, he or she was the one more equipped to facilitate coparenting. In cases where one...

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Child support is not optional. There are very few black and white, hard and fast rules in family law, but this is one of them. Though it’s theoretically possible, especially in a shared custody situation, that the parties incomes could be close enough and the amount of time each parent spends with the child could...

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  There’s no limit to the number of things that can happen to us over time – good as well as not quite so good. Though, over the long term, most people wind up earning more money, that’s not necessarily the case for every person. There can be a lot of factors involved, like global...

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10 Questions I Get as a Divorce Lawyer

I’m a person who lives in the world, and so, for me – like for anyone else – the topic of what I do for a living is something that comes up with some frequency. I usually just say something vague like, ‘Oh, I work at a law firm,’ so that they’ll hopefully stop asking...

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  You probably haven’t hired an attorney before. And, if you have, it probably wasn’t a family law attorney. (And, if it was a family law attorney that you hired, you probably aren’t reading this article because you’ve been there, done that!) It’s a nerve wracking experience! I can tell you that, even for me,...

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