
The COVID-19 Vaccine and Joint Legal Custody

In a lot of ways, the ongoing pandemic has highlighted a lot of differences between parents that weren’t issues before. We see people – normal, rational people, I should point out – take entirely different points of view about issues that really hadn’t come up before. Some of the most common issues we’ve seen relate...

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  There’s no question that coparenting can be really difficult, and that sometimes issues pop up that were unanticipated. Even now, almost two years on, it seems surreal to me that the ongoing pandemic has disrupted so many facets of life that previously we took completely for granted. For a lot of parents, one of...

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Can I change my child’s last name in Virginia?

The whole ‘filling out the birth certificate’ experience is a weird one. You’re in the hospital, you just had a baby, you are recovering from a major physical ordeal and may even still have been on pain medication at that point. The nurses have come in for a bajillion and one different things and even,...

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  Everyone wants to save money in their divorce. Everyone wants it over with quickly. Everyone is worried. Everyone needs to feel some finality. Everyone has specific hot-button issues that they feel need to be resolved for them to feel at peace. The fact is, most people share a lot of the same concerns. In...

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Prenuptial Agreements for Virginia Women

Christmas is a pretty popular time of year to get engaged. If your engagement ring is coming with a little bit more fine print than you expected, you’re in the right place. A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract – like any other contract – and it basically defines the rules that will apply to...

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I suspect adultery. What do I do?

  It’s never easy to find out – or suspect – that your husband is cheating on you with someone else. If you’ve come to that conclusion, let me say first that I am so sorry that you’ve found yourself here. I know that it’s a harrowing experience and that it’s difficult to know what...

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Managing COVID-19 Exposures While Coparenting

These days, it seems like we’re all just seconds away from losing access to the pieces that keep our lives together. For parents, one of the biggest concerns is that, at any moment, a COVID-19 exposure or breakout could erupt, causing disruptions and limiting our access to our childcare providers and schools, totally disrupting our...

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Not every woman who has been the victim of domestic violence during her marriage really realizes that about herself. There’s a general misconception, I think, that if you haven’t been beaten, or choked, or stabbed, or threatened with a gun or something similarly horrible, that your case doesn’t rise to the level of domestic violence....

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