
  I’ve written about social media accounts before, but it seems like the landscape is constantly changing. With the advent of so many different platforms for sharing, we’re dealing with new issues all the time – and with clients who think less of sharing a LOT of themselves in very public platforms. I’m not one...

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  Kids are expensive. Whether it’s the normal kid stuff – a little tumble at daycare, a broken arm, a skateboard accident – or whether you have a child with specific ongoing medical issues, medical expenses can be a big part of that. It can be expected or unexpected; more or less than you expect...

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  For one reason or another, lots of times people just aren’t ready to finalize their divorce. Whether they’ve already negotiated a signed separation agreement or they’ve filed a contested divorce and had a few hearings, the urgency sometimes dissipates once temporary child and spousal support is established. After all, divorce comes with some inconvenient...

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  Families are convoluted, messy things in a lot of cases. In this day and age, they’re not all typical moms and dads and biological children, either, so it can be hard to have a sense of where the legal lines are drawn. The reason I write today, actually, is because of one of those...

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  Abusive relationships come in all sizes, shapes, and flavors. No two abusive relationships look exactly the same, and I think that can make the experience of abuse or domestic violence all the more isolating. There’s a sense that, well, he hasn’t hit me, so what he’s doing to me doesn’t rise to the level...

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The COVID-19 Vaccine and Joint Legal Custody

In a lot of ways, the ongoing pandemic has highlighted a lot of differences between parents that weren’t issues before. We see people – normal, rational people, I should point out – take entirely different points of view about issues that really hadn’t come up before. Some of the most common issues we’ve seen relate...

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  There’s no question that coparenting can be really difficult, and that sometimes issues pop up that were unanticipated. Even now, almost two years on, it seems surreal to me that the ongoing pandemic has disrupted so many facets of life that previously we took completely for granted. For a lot of parents, one of...

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