
No man wants to pay support. That’s even true, unfortunately, for child support. Don’t even get me started. Just kidding. I’m already started, because I already decided to write about child support and whether a person – usually, a mother – receiving it should be required to write down and report on how her child...

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I can’t tell you how many cases I’ve seen where the parents engage in some version of the “gotcha” games. That’s not a technical term, of course; it’s a term I’ve more or less created myself to describe some of the drama that can surround a custody case. Though I’m writing specifically about my experience...

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The good news about Virginia divorce

  “Good” is probably not a word you typically associate with divorce. After all, no one grows up dreaming of divorce. Most of us dream of happily ever after. But what happens when it becomes apparent that happily ever after is just not going to happen? You can hold on to the hope for awhile....

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Is divorce a failure?

It seems like I’ve come up against this word – failure – a lot. Even in circles of women who otherwise are empowered, positive, and uplifting, they describe their divorce as a failure. It’s a word that makes me sit up and take notice. Full disclosure: I haven’t been divorced. I’ve been through hundreds of...

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Self Care and Virginia Divorce

Self care is good. You should do it. Okay, good, we got that out of the way. Look, I get it. Our physical and mental health depends on how well we take care of ourselves. It comes down to many different variables, from the food that we eat, how much we exercise, how well we...

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“Gotcha” Moments in Virginia Custody Cases

Every mother worries about the impact of her divorce or break up from her child’s father on her children. Even as much as she knows that she needs the break up – probably for about a million different reasons – considering the impact of that on the children involved can feel overwhelming. That’s especially true...

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There’s no shame in getting (divorce) help

I saw an ad on Facebook today for an online therapist. The tagline was “There is no shame in getting help.” I knew, of course, that the ‘help’ referenced in the ad was for a therapist, but it struck me that ‘help’ should really be more broadly applied. Why is it that when someone suggest...

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There are few things quite as emotionally devastating as an affair. Ending a marriage is a big deal in any case, for any reason, but ending it because he was unfaithful stings even more. That’s one of the funny things about trauma. You can go through your life, perfectly happy, not knowing, and then suddenly...

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