Coming from a family that owns a local business and now working for another small family-owned business, it’s pretty safe to say that businesses are something that I think about a lot. You might even be surprised at how often it comes up, but there are lots and lots of different types of businesses that...
We talked the other day about being an unmarried stay at home mom, what happens after you and your child’s father break up, and what options you have to support yourself. Without spousal support as an option, you’re pretty much limited to child support – which is a difficult position in which to find yourself....
Sadly, false accusations of domestic violence are not uncommon in Virginia. These accusations usually are made in connection with an acrimonious divorce, a child custody battle, or simply an emotional breakup. Both men and women can be falsely accused of domestic assault or similar charges, often by spouses or partners who wish to have an...
I’ll just say it: I am not cut out to be a stay at home mom. I love my kids, but they drive me crazy, too! Sometimes, I find that I am literally counting down the hours until Monday just so that I can get a little break. If you’re a stay at home mom,...
The military has its own specific set of rules that military service members must follow, including a very specific prohibition against adultery. Not only that, but “fraternization” between fellow military service members is also frowned upon. Whenever anyone finds out that their partner is cheating, it’s devastating. It’s a huge betrayal of trust and confidence....
If your child’s father has accused you of parental alienation, you’ll want to tread carefully. Even though it’s a really common allegation, and disproving it can be difficult (check out our article from Friday for more information on what parental alienation is and how you can combat an allegation of parental alienation), you will need to...
One of the sharpest swords in a dad’s arsenal when it comes to custody cases is often a parental alienation claim. It’s an easy thing to claim, and it often creates a really tricky “he said, she said” situation that can make it hard to asses the truthfulness of anyone involved. That’s the problem with...
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about divorce and the divorce process in Virginia. When it comes to property division, there’s a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. I like to think that a big part of my job is just providing education, so that women know what to expect and at least how...