After you’ve decided to separate, but before you reach an agreement about how all the assets and liabilities should be divided (or, alternatively, before a judge has a chance to hear the case and render a verdict), there’s a fair bit of gray. What happens with everything – but, probably, most specifically, what happens with...
The things that you tell a divorce attorney are sensitive, maybe even more sensitive than the kind of information you might communicate to any other kind of attorney. A personal injury attorney usually comes to mind first; to her, you might only give details of your medical history related to a particular accident. While that...
When you hire an attorney, you probably want to know that the attorney you’ve hired (or are considering hiring) has experience with cases similar to yours. This is especially true for military spouses. In some ways, I find it a little silly, to be honest. After all, a divorce is a divorce, and, in Virginia,...
It’s a scary time. Once you realize your marriage is over – but before you’ve taken any action to formally end your marriage – is a time filled with uncertainty. If you’re like me, you want to take steps now to end those feelings of uncertainty, to come up with a game plan, to figure...
Basically, in Virginia, you can get divorced in one of two ways. Either you guys duke it all out in front of a judge, who ultimately rules on how everything will get divided in your case, or, alternatively, you and your husband reach an agreement regarding how everything will be divided. In the latter case...
This year, for the first year ever, Hofheimer Family Law sponsored a scholarship for divorced and/or divorcing women who were looking to go back to school. We wanted to do it both to honor our former managing partner, Kristen D. Hofheimer, who passed away in January of 2019 after a long struggle with breast cancer,...
In some families, it’s a constant tug-o-war where the kids are concerned. Almost every issue that it is possible to fight over can and, in some cases, will be fought over. I find that, more and more often, the children’s social media presence is one of those issues. One parent wants to share (or, overshare,...
I feel you – I’m a person who likes to take action, too. If you’re separating or headed quickly that direction, you’re probably wondering what changes you’ll need to make to your day to day in order to be able to afford the kind of lifestyle to which you have grown accustomed. In most cases,...