
Abandonment and Custody

A woman I met with the other day asked me a good question, “If he abandons us, will that hurt his chances for custody?” She went on to tell me that, thirty some odd years ago, when her mom got divorced, her attorney gave her that advice. Now, facing divorce herself and with a small...

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New Year’s Divorce Resolutions

Well, it’s officially the new year. With all those New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and eat healthy and be happy come some others. In fact, though it may not seem like it at first, they’re really along the same lines anyway. Separation and divorce are often part of a New Year’s resolution, too. I’ve...

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Should shared custody be the new norm?

When it comes to custody, there are a lot of opinions out there. If you’ve stumbled across our site, you’re probably one of us. That is to say, you’re likely an advocate for women in divorce and custody cases. Custody cases are hard. There are so many emotions involved. And, unlike in divorce, there’s no...

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Our newest attorney, Lori Michaud, may be new to us, but she’s not at all new to the practice of law. Licensed in Virginia, New York, and New Jersey, Lori has been practicing since the mid 1980s, and, in that time, has built an impressive reputation for herself. This year, Lori was asked to teach...

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Moms Versus Dads in Virginia Custody Cases

Full Disclosure: Our firm represents women exclusively in divorce and custody cases.  If you’re looking for something written by activists for Father’s rights, you’re in the wrong place. Custody cases are complicated and constantly changing, which probably explains why there is so much misunderstanding out there.  I meet with one woman who tells me she...

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“Fake” Separation Agreements

I had a consult the other day where  a woman walked in with a signed document with a header that said “Separation Agreement” and she asked me, “Is there any chance this is fake?” Did I sign a fake separation agreement? I had to do a double take.  What do you mean, fake?  I asked...

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Will my spousal support end?

Spousal support is a bit of a bear.  It’s not all that predictable – whether we’re talking about how much spousal support you might expect to receive, or how long you’ll receive it.  Whether your spousal support will end is often another one of those gray areas, and it can be difficult to tell –...

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Continuances in Virginia Divorce

Divorce is inconvenient.  And, sometimes, depending on the circumstances, it can also take a really long time.  There are often delays that we can help.  In other cases, it’s our side who is responsible for the delays, for any number of reasons.  Continuances happen in Virginia divorce – they just do.  Whether we ask for...

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