
Changing your separation agreement

In divorce and custody cases, all sorts of different things happen. No two cases are exactly the same, and so, as a result, we often see different issues present themselves. Sometimes, those different issues can result in parties who previously negotiated a signed separation agreement wanting to change some of the terms of that agreement....

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Ballpark Divorce Case Costs

On Wednesday, we talked about ballpark costs in a custody case. Today, we’re going to talk about ballpark costs in a divorce. Luckily for you, estimating costs in a divorce is slightly easier than in a custody case. After all, with divorce, there’s a finish line – when you get divorced. (Custody cases aren’t like...

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Ballpark Virginia Custody Case Fees

Everyone (and I do mean everyone) wants us to give them just a “ballpark” figure for how much their case might cost. In some cases, that’s an easier thing to do than others. But, even so, costs can be a difficult thing to estimate. There are a lot of variables involved. There are a lot...

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He wants to keep the house!

The house is, in many cases, one of the biggest, most emotionally charged elements in a divorce, for husbands and wives alike. Of course, I don’t represent any husbands, but I can tell you about it from the wife’s perspective. The marital residence in Virginia divorce So, obviously, something has to happen with the house....

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Pro Bono Custody

Everybody wants pro bono help for their custody cases. I know, I know – it’s, like, probably the scariest thing ever, thinking you might lose your kids, especially if dad (or their grandparents, or whoever is fighting you) is abusive or would do everything in their power to keep the kids away from you. It’s...

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Pro Bono Divorce

People call all the time, wanting pro bono divorce help. Though I certainly understand – wanting a divorce is not the same thing as being in a position financially to be able to afford to have a divorce attorney do it – it’s really not something that any law firms I know of actually offer....

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Most people are aware that they’ll have to prove, at the end of a year, that they’ve been separated in order to get a divorce. What they don’t know, though, is how all of that is accomplished at the end of the process. We get lots of questions about how things are proven and what...

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Security Clearance and Divorce

Living where we live, there are a lot of people in our area with high profile military and civilian careers that require security clearances. If your husband has a security clearance For a husband who has a security clearance, it’s often a super big deal – which makes it a big bargaining chip for you....

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