
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  (I don’t know about THAT, exactly, because I’m pretty partial to sunny at 75, but – Christmas is nice, too.) For the FOURTH year in a row now, we’re sponsoring a Girl’s Night Out holiday party to celebrate the season with all of our awesome friends, both...

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Juries in Virginia Divorce

If you read my article on Monday about common law marriage in Virginia, you should know by now that sometimes I write articles about things that don’t exist as much as things that do.  (See also my article on Pro Bono divorce assistance.) I write it mostly because I find that these are common misconceptions...

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Your attorney said WHAT?!

Divorce and custody cases are high stress situations.  It’s not very often that I get an email or a call from a client who isn’t feeling pretty frantic.  They want answers, and they want them now, and they can’t sleep until they get them.  They’re so worried, and they don’t know how anything will turn...

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Substance Abuse and Custody

Lots of people struggle with substance abuse.  Lots.  Over the years, I’ve seen many, many women who tell me that they struggled with a drug or alcohol addiction.  I think, because they’re often so used to being judged for the issues that they’ve faced, they fully expect to be told that they won’t be able...

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Dividing personal property in divorce

Technically, everything should get divided in divorce.  Anything, that is, that was earned, purchased or acquired during the marriage.Technically, everything should get divided in divorce.  Anything, that is, that was earned, purchased or acquired during the marriage. In Virginia (as in most places, though I can’t speak for anywhere outside the Commonwealth), property is divided...

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Common Law Marriage in Virginia

Okay, so, the headline of this article, “Common Law Marriage in Virginia” is a little misleading, and I’ll tell you why. There is NO common law marriage in Virginia. Common law marriage is a thing, at least in some states, but it isn’t in Virginia.  The theory there, which I assume you already know, is...

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Getting your name off the house in divorce

house is one of the biggest assets in many divorces and, as a result, it’s one of the first places we start poking around.  We need to know, for example, what’s remaining on the mortgage, what condition the house is in, what it’s appraised value might be, and so on, all to help us determine...

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Women in Divorce

We’re the only firm in Virginia representing women only in divorce or custody cases, and we have been for awhile.  In our area, there are two firms representing men – though, if I’m not mistaken, they don’t represent men exclusively. I had a settlement conference recently with one of the attorneys from one of the...

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