
How Virginia Courts Decide Custody

Custody cases are tricky.  It’s not like divorce which, although difficult, is more or less a financial transaction where both parties walk away with some of the assets and some of the liabilities in the marriage.  It’s pretty much understood that you won’t walk away with it all, because your spouse legally deserves a portion...

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Working with a Virginia Guardian ad Litem

For moms facing a custody case, nothing strikes fear into their hearts quite like the possibility of working with a Guardian ad litem.  As a mom myself, I can understand the fear.  A lawyer (yes—a lawyer!) will have the opportunity to talk to you and your child’s father and even your child (without you present!)...

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Special Issues in Virginia Child Custody Cases

Custody cases are tricky.  Like divorce, custody is one of those areas of law that varies pretty dramatically from state to state.  There’s not a lot of standardization from place to place.  Though almost all states have some iteration of the “best interests of the child” factors (here are Virginia’s ten best interests of the...

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Saving Money on Your Virginia Divorce

In a divorce, or for women facing a divorce, the potential cost is one of the scariest parts.  People tell me literally every single day that they’re afraid they can’t afford to get a divorce. I won’t lie to you and tell you that divorce is inexpensive.  I won’t tell you that I haven’t seen...

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Beginning the Virginia Divorce Process

It can be hard, in many cases, for women to know what sort of decisions they ought to be making at the beginning of the divorce process.  It can all seem so shrouded in mystery that it’s hard to know which way is up.  It’s often compounded by the fact that many husbands seem all...

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Reconciliation Clauses in Separation Agreements

I got a good question at one of my Second Saturday seminars the other day.  A woman asked, “What’s a reconciliation clause?  Do I even want one?  I don’t plan on reconciling!”  She went on to say that a reconciliation clause wasn’t included when she and her husband met with a mediator, but then that the...

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What to expect at a pendente lite hearing

One of the main reasons people file on fault first isn’t because that would necessarily be their first choice.  Many women would prefer to negotiate a separation agreement instead, and not only because an uncontested divorce is typically cheaper, easier, and much quicker.  For a number of reasons, though, they may feel more or less...

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What to Expect at a Virginia Custody Seminar

Custody cases are scary, and, whether you’ve hired an attorney or are hoping to handle your case yourself, you probably have a lot of questions about what to expect.  Obviously, you’ve also heard that there’s a seminar for Virginia moms facing custody cases, so now you’re probably wondering whether a Virginia custody seminar is going...

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