
Virginia Divorce After 30+ Years of Marriage

Marriages of more than 30 years are sort of in their own category. Once you get to the point that you’ve spent three decades together, there’s no question that you’ve accumulated some joint assets. There are some things that are, generally speaking, easier.  It’s unlikely, at this point, that you have minor children together –...

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If you’re not familiar with the law – and, really, why would you be? – you probably find that there’s a lot in your potential upcoming divorce or custody case to confuse and overwhelm you, aside from just dealing with the regular transitions and upheaval that these types of cases can bring into your personal...

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How HofLaw Protects Privacy and Confidentiality

In the beginning stages of planning a divorce or custody case, things can be especially tricky.  In addition to wanting to be respectful and tactful towards your partner, you want to plan strategically how you should move forward.  You also want to stay safe.  No matter what the particular circumstances of your case, you deserve...

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Divorce Coach or Therapist?

If you’re hoping to navigate a divorce while suffering the least amount of stress possible, you’re smart.  Though I think we can all recognize the difficulty, few people give that much thought to how they can divorce better.  When it comes down to it, there ARE choices you can make that will minimize the suffering...

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Help! My child calls stepmom ‘mom’ now!

Mom is a special word.  For months, I couldn’t wait until my babies said it back to me – though, to be honest, at this point, I wish they’d use it a little less often over the course of the day.  Still, there’s no question that it’s a special thing to be called.  It’s a...

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Should I file for custody proactively?

It’s scary to break up with your child’s father.  Not only does the breakup itself generally carry some challenges – like moving, separating finances, the possibility of dating again, and more – but knowing that, at some point, you’ll have to work out custody and visitation is also pretty daunting. Not every situation is highly...

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  There are not many things scarier than finding yourself in an abusive situation – except, of course, if you have minor children who are surrounded by it, too. Once you decide that it’s not getting better and it’s time to do something about it, you probably started researching protective orders.  In Virginia, there are...

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We talked the other day about how dating might impact an award of spousal support.  I had originally intended to write about both child and spousal support in the same article, but it just ended up being too complicated, so I split into the two articles.  You can check out the spousal support article here....

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