
Custody and Visitation of a Newborn

Sometimes, custody problems are evident immediately. Even though you and your child’s father may not be able to make it work romantically, though, that doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to fail at parenthood, too. Even though it’s scary and emotionally charged to discuss the possibility of having anything less than complete and total custody, for...

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Spousal Support: Marriages of 20+ Years

If you’ve reached the end (or very near the end) of a long term marriage, you probably have a lot of questions. Because you’ve made a lot of choices for the sake of your husband and family, you’re probably wondering, “What happens next?” If you’re wondering about spousal support, you’re not alone. When we’re thinking...

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Spousal Support: Marriages of 8-19 Years

When we’re thinking about spousal support, we’re thinking about three things. First, “Will I get spousal support at all?” Second, “How much spousal support might I receive?” Third, “How long can I receive spousal support?” In this article, we’ll discuss spousal support at length, including each of the three factors that relate to whether judges...

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Spousal Support: Marriages of 1-7 Years

Spousal support is one of those areas of law where there is a lot of room for argument and interpretation. In many marriages, regardless of how long they lasted, no spousal support is awarded at all. Why? Well, spousal support was always intended to be need-based. In the olden days, spousal support (or alimony, as...

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Do I need to talk to an attorney?

When your marriage starts to go downhill, it’s normal to have questions.  What should I do?  Where will I go?  How will we take care of the kids and pay the bills?  Does divorce really cost as much as people say that it does?  What happens after divorce? What about the house, the retirement accounts,...

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If I had to give you one piece of advice when it comes to your divorce case, I would tell you to take your time to figure out your options, discover how divorce works, and plan your next steps before you take any steps. It may seem like such a little thing, but it really...

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When your relationship with your child’s father starts to go downhill, it’s normal to have questions. What should we do? Where will we go? How will we take care of the kids and pay the bills? How much will it cost to decide custody? Can he win custody? What happens after custody is decided? What...

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