
6 Commandments of Separation Agreements

A separation agreement is a legal contract between a husband and a wife that formally divides all the assets and liabilities of a marriage between the two. These documents are pretty critically important because, of course, they are legal contracts—which means that you really have to take it seriously before you sign. Keep in mind...

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First Steps for Virginia Women Facing Divorce

The moment things start to go wrong in your marriage is a pretty overwhelmingly terrifying moment for most women. There’s so much to grieve and so much uncertainty to manage. Not only is there the loss of the marriage and the shared future to consider, there’s also the fear associated with the process of divorce....

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Will I Get Spousal Support?

“Will I get spousal support?” is a question that is critical to a lot of divorcing women. After all, most of us, during our marriage, prioritize our other family members over ourselves, and our careers and other money-making prospects suffer as a result. It’s a situation I’ve seen again and again, especially since the costs...

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You only have to turn on the TV to discover (if you didn’t already know) that the modern family is a complicated, messy situation that can involve all sorts of people, from parents and step-parents, to aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, godparents, grandparents, unrelated family friends, and other partners. It doesn’t really matter whether the...

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Can I Get a Virginia Annulment?

Annulment is a legal process through which a marriage is erased. It’s different than a divorce, which just legally terminates a marriage. Annulment legally makes it as though the marriage never happened, whereas a divorce just ends an otherwise valid marriage. As you can probably imagine, for a lot of women, it’s really encouraging to...

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Navy Regulations for Supporting Family Members

The military has loads of rules and regulations dealing with almost every aspect of its day to day management and operations. It should probably come as no surprise that it also has regulations relating to family support. When a couple separates, and either spouse is in the military, there are specific rules about when and...

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Collaborative Divorce in Virginia

Rather than fight it out in court, lots of couples (both the normal kind and the celebrity kind) are looking for alternatives ways to settle their divorces. Unlike personal injury cases, there’s really not some dramatic windfall to be won in a divorce. The parties have the assets that they had when they decided to...

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Most people haven’t had to hire a divorce attorney before, and, even if they have, it was for something completely different. You probably can’t use the attorney you used when you closed on your house in your divorce and, even if you could, you probably wouldn’t want to. If you’ve had any experience with personal...

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