
Can I get a really quick divorce in Virginia?

There’s really no such thing as a “quick” or “immediate” divorce. In Virginia, you have to be separated from your husband for a specific period of time before you can even file for divorce (and, of course, once you file, it still takes time before you’re actually divorced). If you don’t have children (or your...

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Can a postnuptial agreement save your marriage?

If you didn’t get a prenup, you’re not out of luck. A prenuptial agreement is the legal term used to describe a contract between a couple who intend to marry. In it, there are usually terms that spell out what happens in the event that the couple decides to divorce. They’re pretty controversial. After all,...

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Collaborative divorce is a trendy, modern way to approach divorce that is gaining a lot of attention lately. Why? Because it focuses on promoting a divorce that keeps in mind husband and wife’s certain shared priorities. In some cases, the couple are focused on maintaining a family business, and in others, the issues relating to...

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What’s best for me in my Virginia Divorce?

It’s easy, when you’re angry, to make the wrong decisions. Almost all of us act out, somehow, in anger, fear, or frustration, and we usually regret the things we’ve said and done while under the influence of our most extreme emotions. It can be difficult to control these emotions, especially when your marriage is failing....

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19 Key Steps to Planning for Divorce

It’s definitely wise to take as much time to plan your divorce as you did to plan your wedding. It definitely involves less time spent on Pinterest and daydreaming over magazines, but adequate preparation for divorce is critically important. Follow these 19 steps, and you’ll be sure to have a much neater, more efficient, less...

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In divorces where adultery is an issue, emotions run particularly high. Since most of us feel like cheating is the ultimate emotional betrayal, we also tend to feel like there should be some sort of punishment for that behavior. After all, in the olden days, it used to be that adultery was pretty much the...

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What Kind of Divorce is Right for Me?

Divorce is a process, and it’s different for everyone. Some couples are able to keep things amicable from start to finish, and negotiate a separation agreement quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively. For other couples, though, the process is long, expensive, and drawn out as they oscillate back and forth between pursuing fault grounds and negotiating a...

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Many people think that January is the best time to get a divorce, and I think that’s probably true. During the holidays, people typically choose to stay together. It’s easier on the kids to have a family Christmas, and it certainly avoids awkward explanations or family drama during the “most wonderful time of the year.”...

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