
It’s hard to face a period of celebration when you’re feeling more like you’re in mourning than anything else. It’s hard to feel the pressure to be grateful, thankful, blessed, when really what you feel is that your life is falling apart and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s hard to worry about...

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Holiday Custody and Visitation Arrangements

Handling custody and visitation arrangements is tough at the best of times, but it’s even more dangerous and emotionally charged around the holiday season. Parents who may be able to cooperate on an ordinary Thursday night may find themselves screaming furiously and saying out loud the normal, resentful things that they’re feeling about their former...

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If this year is your first post-divorce holiday alone, you may feel a little strange about it. It’s difficult to get into the holiday spirit, after all, when your new normal is dictated by the terms of your custody arrangement. Not only that, but the family traditions that you used to look forward to are...

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In a custody case, a Guardian ad Litem is an attorney appointed to represent the best interests of the child. Just like you have an attorney, and your child’s father has an attorney, your child has an attorney. It is the Guardian ad Litem’s job to interview the child, interview the parents, and, ultimately, make...

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Can I fire my divorce judge?

It’s no secret: the judge in your divorce case may or may not be your friend. And, if he’s not, it’s kind of a big deal. After all, the judge is the person who, ultimately, will be responsible for making decisions about how everything in your divorce will be divided. If you find yourself in...

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Can I fire my attorney?

Divorce is a difficult process, but you should never feel like you’re in it alone. An experienced Virginia divorce attorney can make all the difference between being completely and totally overwhelmed and finding a way to create a blueprint for future security. It may not be great today, but with the help of an attorney,...

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We just had our third Girl’s Night Out event, which was a barbecue and hayride out at Hunt Club Farms. We had SO much fun, and I’m definitely counting down until the next one. If you haven’t been to a Girl’s Night Out event yet, you’re really missing out! So far, we’ve had an end...

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At some point, like it or not, your custody and visitation agreement will become more or less meaningless. Once your child reaches those pesky teenaged years and gets a driver’s license, it will be harder and harder to continue to handle custody and visitation the same way as before. It’s a tricky place to be...

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