
Preparing Financially for the Costs of Divorce

Financially, divorce is complicated. After a divorce, pretty much everything changes. You go from having two incomes and one household to one income and two households. If you and your husband have unequal incomes, that inequality is going to be much more keenly felt. It’s very common. In fact, it’s almost universal. If your husband...

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Do you want spousal support? At some point during the course of your Virginia divorce, this is a question you’ll have to consider. For many women, this is a difficult topic, and one they’re not all that willing to discuss. Still, for the women who qualify to receive spousal support, it can be the difference...

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Happy New Year!

There's always something exciting about the start of a new year! It's a chance to start over, to start fresh, and to make the kinds of improvements to yourself and your life that you've dreamed of making but may have been too scared to make before. To be sure, change is a scary thing. But...

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Child Support for Special Needs Children

Sheera Herrell is one of our attorneys at Hofheimer Family Law, and one of her biggest concerns is child support for special needs children. In fact, her article, “Child Support for the ‘Emancipated’ Special Needs Child,” written along with Nathan J. Olson, was published this year in a number of reputable publications, including Family Law...

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Until you need a root canal, you probably don’t pay a lot of attention to commercials or advertisements from dentists. Until you’re in the market for a new car, you’re probably using your DVR to fast forward through all of the advertisements from the local car dealerships. Likewise, until you’re interested in an attorney, you...

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It always amazes me how quickly the time passes between one year and the next. We've had a great year, and we're hoping that 2014 will bring even more joy, hope, and happiness to the lives of everyone around us. Here's hoping you have a very safe and happy holiday season, including a merry Christmas...

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If you and your husband are facing a divorce, you’re probably nervous about sharing the children by a certain schedule. In fact, if you’re like most moms, you’re unwilling to reduce parenthood to a specific schedule. “We’ll just work together and figure it all out,” they tell me, optimistically. “A set schedule is just too...

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In any divorce, there are unexpected losses. With almost every single woman I’ve ever talked to about the realities of post-divorce life, they have indicated that there was something that was particularly difficult about their divorce that took them completely by surprise. For almost all of these women, the unanticipated but difficult event had something...

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