
Quick, Cheap, Easy Divorce Without an Attorney?

If, for whatever reason, you’re planning to move forward with your divorce without hiring an attorney, you’ll want to do your research. There are a lot of programs out there advertising quick and cheap divorces, but you’ll want to be sure you understand exactly what you’re getting before you shell out any money at all....

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If you read my blog article on Monday, you know that discovery is the process through which you and your attorney learn what assets and liabilities exist in your marriage. It’s a long, drawn-out process, where you’ll have to really take a serious look at your whole portfolio, from the properties you own to your...

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I think that a lot of people operate under the misconception that you hire an attorney and then you don’t have to think about your divorce anymore. Sure, there may be a few court hearings or settlement conferences, and your husband will probably call to complain about a letter your lawyer sent to his lawyer,...

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Never Settle: describing your perfect partner

As I was thinking about Valentine’s Day and what to write, I came across this article about two little girls who wrote a list of 30 things that their future husband must do. It sounded cute, so I clicked on the link and read the article. While I think that Justin Beiber is a pretty...

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Six Key Tips to Help You Prepare for divorce

Thinking about getting divorced is scary. Knowing that you’re going to get a divorce is terrifying. Going through the process of divorce is difficult and sometimes confusing, but, ultimately, a total game-changer. There’s nothing worse than living in what feels like a battle ground. Constant fighting, verbal and emotional abuse, loneliness, emptiness, sadness, frustration, and...

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Some of the most terrifying decisions you’ll have to make in your divorce are decisions you’ll make before you even decide whether to separate from your husband. This is the time you’ll be thinking about where you’ll go, what you’ll do, and how you’ll help your children adjust. You’re mourning the relationship, the hopes you...

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At my firm, we teach a monthly divorce seminar called “What Every Virginia Woman Should Know About Divorce.” We offer it on the Second Saturday of the month in two locations, in Virginia Beach and Newport News, and on the Third Tuesday of the month in Virginia Beach. (For more information about these and our...

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How to Get Divorced in Virginia

If you want to get a divorce, you will either have to negotiate a separation agreement with your soon-to-be ex husband, or face him in court and let a judge decide for you how your assets and liabilities will be divided. Though we often talk about different “kinds” of divorce, these are really the only...

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