
Don’t wait too long to make a positive change in your life. You know you’re unhappy in your marriage, and you’ve begun to think about divorce. You’ve probably consulted with a therapist of your own or even a marriage counselor, and your differences have grown and grown over the years. Now, even the simplest things...

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When it comes to military retirement, there are a lot of misconceptions. Some of it, I think, it propagated by the husbands themselves, who want their wives to think that they are entitled to nothing, or else way less than what they are actually entitled to receive. Some of it happens because the military doesn’t...

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Access to legal representation is becoming an increasingly important problem, especially for poorer women and minority groups. A recent article published on NPR’s website asserts, unsurprisingly, that people with representation do better. And it also stands to reason that, if women and minorities have a disproportionately more difficult time obtaining legal representation, they are also...

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Planning for the best Virginia divorce possible

The best thing you can do, early on in your divorce, is begin to plan for the kind of divorce you think you want to have. A lot of the choices you make in the beginning set you up for the way things are going to move forward later, and you’ll want to do some...

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Sometimes, in family law cases, we have to use a private investigator to get the information we need to prove something involved in the case. In many of these cases, we’re trying to prove adultery. In other cases, sometimes we need evidence that relates to child custody, like what one parent is doing during the...

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Can’t I just get an annulment?

In 99 cases out of 100, you can’t get an annulment. Actually, maybe I’ve overstated the statistics. It’s probably safe to say that in almost every single case, you really can’t get an annulment. I know it’s tempting, especially if you haven’t been married very long, to erase the marriage and feel like it never...

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How much does a Virginia divorce cost?

It probably doesn’t come as a shock to you that, for most women, the first question out of their mouths has to do with how much the divorce process will cost. Women ask me all the time how much our initial consultation costs, how much it costs to hire an attorney, and to provide a...

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When you file your taxes, you’re doing so based on your status on December 31st of the year in question. If you’ve had a baby by December 31st, you can claim her as a deduction. If you purchased a house on January 1st, on the other hand, you can’t claim it until the following year....

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