
When many women show up at our office, they have no idea how they’ll ever afford to hire an attorney to represent them. They know that having an attorney is important, and they feel strongly that they will be at a significant disadvantage if they don’t hire one, but they’re not sure how to make...

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Is my Spousal Support Award Modifiable?

Whether a spousal support award is modifiable depends on how it was ordered. In some cases, it is modifiable, which means that your husband can take you to court on a “material changes in circumstances,” and argue that support should be lowered and, vice versa, that you can take him to court and argue that...

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I always try to tread carefully when I’m talking about getting a job after divorce. Particularly for women who decided to stay at home to care for their children during the marriage, this is a difficult conversation. It’s also difficult for women who have worked part-time, or deliberately chose to minimize their own professional career...

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Should I get a job after my divorce?

There comes a point in a lot of divorces where women have a troubling realization: at some point, they will probably have to get a job. If they already have a job, they may have to start working more, or find a better-paying position in the same field. If, on the other hand, they have...

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How much will my divorce cost?

Most attorneys bill on an hourly basis. There are some definite pros and cons to this system, but the reason that we use it is because it protects everyone. We usually work on a retainer agreement—a legal contract that describes our responsibility to you, and your responsibility to us. It outlines all the terms of...

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How does Adultery Affect My Divorce?

This isn’t Saudi Arabia, and neither you nor your husband will be publicly stoned to death because you’ve committed adultery. Still, you should remember that adultery is still a crime in Virginia, even if it is rarely (if ever) actually prosecuted, and adultery can also have an impact on your divorce. The Affect of Adultery...

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If you’re wondering what kind of divorce is best for you, you’re not alone. If you Google “divorce,” you’ll be inundated with information about divorce. You see paid advertisements that say things like, “Divorce: $199” and “uncontested divorce in Virginia.” If you read down a little bit further, before you know it, you’ll see articles...

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Should I stay in my marriage for the children?

Couples whose marriages are on the rocks are often plagued with guilt about what a divorce would do to the children. They wonder, “Should I stay in this marriage for their sake?” I’ve heard it so many times. Moms in my office, agonizing over what the future will bring for their children, and wondering about...

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