
In most divorces, there is a period after the marriage is over in the minds of the parties, but before the marriage is over in the eyes of the law. This is a difficult period for both parties, because they're torn between two competing ideas: fidelity to the now-ended but not legally finished marriage, and...

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Many judges today recognize the necessity for some couples to live separately in the same home. The statute only provides that the parties have to live "separate and apart without interruption and without cohabitation" for a period of one year (or six months if there are no minor children)–there's no requirement that the separation must...

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Most elements of a divorce are handled by agreement of the parties. Settlement has taken on a negative connotation because people think that in order to reach a settlement you must "settle." It's probably true that, in order to reach a settlement, there has to be a certain degree of give and take on both...

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How do I get supervised visitation?

If you've been the primary caregiver for your children, you probably have (more than) a little anxiety about how your child's father will be able to take care of the children on his own. If you combine general inexperience with some actual problem (alcoholism, a personality disorder, or general instability), you're probably a complete emotional...

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In a divorce, everything gets divided, down to the can opener and the welcome mat. Everything that you’ve earned or purchased during the marriage is marital property, and each of you has an interest in those assets. Not only assets, but in divorce you’ll also share the debt accumulated during the marriage. Are there exceptions?...

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Starting the Divorce Process in Virginia Beach

Starting the Divorce Process in Virginia Beach Do you remember Driver’s Ed in High School? Do you remember sitting in the driver’s seat for the first time with the instructor by your side? I can remember the instructor telling me to put my foot on the break, put the gear in reverse, then take my...

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How Spousal Support Works

Some things in a divorce are more or less guaranteed. Spousal support, however, is not. Unlike child support, which is based on a strict formula that reflects the incomes of both parents, work-related child care expenses, health insurance costs, and the relative amount of time that the child(ren) spend with each parent, spousal support cannot...

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Divorce Sex: Is Everyone Doing it?

I recently read an article about divorce sex that said no one is talking about it, but everyone is doing it. I can understand the appeal. You're heartbroken and scared, you're worried about your future and start to wonder whether you'll ever meet someone and have sex again. There's also probably some lingering doubt about...

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