
Living separate in the same home usually creates a lot of drama. In many ways, it’s much better if you can actually live separately—but, financially, that may not be an option for every couple. In order to live separate and apart, you have to prove to the judge that there has been no cohabitation. Cohabitation...

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Does My Attorney Really Understand My Military Divorce? Sometimes I wonder why the military loves acronyms. It’s not just any one branch of service either. They all love little loaded words like PCS, TAD, TEMADD, IA, DITY moves…and more frustrating, there isn’t a dictionary you can readily buy beforehand to learn all of these acronyms....

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Legal Separation is Easy in Virginia

There is one part of the divorce process that is really, really ridiculously easy. It doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money, or file official-looking paperwork in your local circuit court, and it doesn’t even require any additional worrying. What is this mysterious and wonderful piece of the puzzle, you ask? It’s separation....

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A common provision in many separation agreements is one that allows the parties, after the agreement is signed, to live as though they were "single and unmarried." These provisions are always a little confusing because, after all, the parties are NOT single and unmarried–at least, not yet. So, what do these provisions mean? These provisions...

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Pre and Post Separation Adultery: What matters?

In Virginia, you're married until you're divorced. If you're separated, you're not divorced. If you're married and you have sex with someone who is not your spouse, you have committed adultery. In Virginia, adultery is a Class 4 misdemeanor. Even if you and your husband are separated and you (or he) has sex with someone...

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How to Prove Adultery

Adultery is the most difficult to prove of the fault-based grounds. Today, very few divorces are actually granted on adultery because (1) its hard to prove, and (2) the vast majority of cases settle before trial. But how do you actually go about proving adultery? You've heard that it's difficult, and that the standard of...

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Before you even schedule an appointment for a consultation, it is important to research the attorney and law firm as best you can – particularly before you have to pay the initial consultation fee. You want to make sure that you are going to a firm that predominantly handles divorce and child custody cases. This...

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