
In cases where there is the possibility of domestic violence, we sometimes have to make decisions a little differently than we would in another case. The main reason for this is that we have to keep the safety and well being of our client at the forefront of our mind. When we have reason to...

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I have followed the Oscar Pistorius case with great interest, and I was so shocked to hear that he was granted bail. In South Africa, apparently this is a huge strategic benefit for him before trial, because it will be much, much easier for him to have time to meet with his attorneys and craft...

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Waiting to Get Divorced in Virginia

Depending on your financial situation, you may find that it is advantageous for you to wait a little while to proceed with your divorce. As long as you aren’t in an abusive relationship or in a situation that would be otherwise hazardous to your health and well-being, you may reasonably decide to wait. Why would...

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Whatever your reality used to be, it’s changing. When you and your husband separate and plan to divorce, your financial picture changes—dramatically and permanently. We can beat around the bush all day long, but your new reality is that, financially at least, things will probably be a little bit more difficult. Depending on a number...

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How much spousal support can I get?

In my blog yesterday, The Death of Spousal Support, I talked about a recent case from the Virginia Court of Appeals, Wright v. Wright. You can read the text of the case here if you’re interested (and, trust me, if you're wondering whether you'll receive spousal support after your divorce in Virginia, you're interested). If...

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Do You Like Watching Movies? If You Do, Watch ‘Em More in Virginia Beach!! Have you ever watched a movie and literally escaped from your life for two hours? Have you ever left a movie theater feeling more confident or inspired? Have you ever watched a movie in your den and felt energized? You can’t...

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The Death of Spousal Support?

Spousal support is a complex area of the law, mostly because it’s so uncertain. Still, I’ve written before about spousal support (see How Spousal Support Works, Gold Diggers and Spousal Support, and Could YOU Have to Pay Spousal Support to HIM?) and tried to give guidelines to help you determine what might be awarded in...

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How to File Taxes When You’re Separated

When you’re separated, it can make tax time a little confusing. You’re not really single, but you’re not really married, so how do you file? The answer is that it’s really up to you. You can’t file single, because you’re not, but you do have a choice whether you want to file as married filing...

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