
Custody and Visitation for Military Families

Dealing with child custody in military families presents is often a lot more complicated than in non-military families, primarily because the military service member has very little control over his (or her) life. When it’s possible that a parent could be transferred to another location or deployed to another country, there’s a measure of instability...

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I think it’s pretty safe to say that Virginia is NOT biased against military when it comes to custody. That does not mean, however, that a Virginia court would find that a deployable military service member is the most appropriate person to have primary physical custody. In Virginia, what the court is looking at is...

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It’s pretty scary to imagine going through with your divorce alone, especially if you have to go to court. Almost every single time I go to court with a client, she decides to bring a close friend or family member with her. Though there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this, I encourage you to think carefully...

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Be Your Best Witness in Your Divorce

If you have to go to court in your divorce case, you’re probably pretty nervous. Most people haven’t been to court ever before, unless they had some sort of minor traffic infraction, and being in front of a judge is intimidating. You know that he’s going to hear some of the most intimate details of...

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The number one issue in a divorce is money, even though you may think it’s something different. If you go in front of a judge, his (or her) primary concern is going to be how to divide the assets, liabilities, and responsibilities equitably between the parties. I’ve heard a judge say, “To me, this is...

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Yesterday, I wrote about how men’s perceptions change during divorce. I think the problem is that, rather than thinking of you as an important member of the same team, they start to think of you as a threat. Sometimes, in my spare time, I Google things like “divorce secrets for men,” and “father’s rights in...

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Divorce brings out the ugliness in our personalities a lot of the time. Take, for example, the case of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. Though their marriage lasted a mere 72 days, their divorce is taking a whole lot longer. In fact, Kris Humphries is STILL dragging it out. Why? Well, I don’t know him...

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Children of Divorce: How your anger hurts them

Divorce causes problems for more people than just ex-husband and wife. In most cases, family members are also involved to some degree. Probably the most common scenario is that husband’s family sides with him, and wife’s family sides with her. Because there are so many varied perceived wrongs, the differences between the families that already...

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