
Credit and Divorce: How to Protect Your Credit

Credit and divorce may be two of the most challenging issues most of us will face. Some of the most valuable divorcing tips are those that involve protecting credit. Few couples truly are aware of how much their credit matters can affect them during and after divorce, or whether there’s anything that can be done...

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Just because you’re thinking of getting a divorce doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to going broke, too. There are a lot of choices you can make at the outset that will protect your family’s finances now and in the future. Remember that you will likely have less after your divorce than you did...

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If you’re considering divorce, you’re probably intimidated by cost. We’ve all heard horror stories about women ruined by divorce—but, with careful planning, you don’t have to be one of them. It’s true, divorce is difficult, but that’s no reason that you should stay in an unsatisfying, unfulfilling, or abusive relationship. As long as you take...

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If you and your child’s father are caught up in any kind of litigation, you should live as though you have a private investigator following you. You probably don’t, but it’s never a bad idea to live as though your every move is going to be examined under a microscope. These days, we don’t use...

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Divorce can be one of those experiences that permanently and irrevocably alter your sense of identity. For women, who experience happiness and a sense of success based on their perceived successes in their own interpersonal relationships (as opposed to men who feel successful based on what they have accomplished professionally, rather than personally), the identity...

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Special Issues in Later-Life Divorce

A later-life divorce may present a few unique issues compared to divorce in earlier years. With the help of a family law attorney in Chesapeake, Virginia, you may better work through the legal aspects of ending your marriage when over 50. Issues in Later-Life Divorce It’s difficult for some to hear, but Grandma and Grandpa...

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If you’re dealing with military divorce, a Newport News divorce law firm for women can advise you on the best course of action. Divorcing a military member differs in some ways from divorcing a civilian; make sure your rights are protected throughout the process. Housing and Military Divorce Divorce involving military members has guidelines that...

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