
When custody of your children is in dispute, or sometimes, when the parents cannot agree on visitation, courts will appoint a Guardian ad litem to represent the “best interest” of the child. Because of the GAL’s unique position, he or she is not there to be your friend, even though he is probably acutely aware...

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Dividing property after divorce can be complicated. A family law attorney in Virginia Beach can help you sort through the issues surrounding fair and equitable distribution of the marital assets such as the marital home. Along with the children, this may be one of the most contentious topics in divorce proceedings. The Home as a...

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Every so often, I’ll get a call from a client whose husband thinks he has the system totally figured out. “He says he’ll quit his job and go and work at McDonalds,” she’ll tell me, crying. “He said he’d rather flip burgers than pay me a dime of support!” Whether we’re talking about child support...

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It may seem counterintuitive, but in order to prove to the court that you’re the parent most fit to take custody of your child, you’re going to have to have a plan for involving your child’s father in the child’s life, too. Women who go into court with long lists of all the terrible things...

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Disability Benefits and Divorce Spousal Support

Seek divorce support with an attorney if you aren’t sure whether you are qualified to receive alimony, also known as spousal support. This is one of many financial considerations you might take into account when going through the process of ending your marriage. The terms of the support depends on many factors. Discuss with your...

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When you’re unhappy, you can’t be the mother that your children deserve. When things don’t work out with the father of your children, you experience a lot of competing emotions. For most women, the most persistent and terrifying thought is “What impact will this have on my children?” And, worse still, “what if they never...

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After divorce, it’s not surprising that many children have difficulty recovering. Depending on the age and sex of the child, however, the effects of divorce can be dramatically different. Studies, as early as the 1970s, show that younger children (most particularly, preschool-aged children) are more immediately affected by divorce, showing signs of separation anxiety, insomnia,...

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There is a common societal misconception that divorcing women everywhere are cackling and scheming together about all the various ways that they can get as much of the money, property, retirement and other assets from their husbands as possible during the divorce. There’s even a nice little slur created specifically for these women: Gold diggers....

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