
Virginia military divorce has its own unique set of rules and regulations that can make it seem more complicated than civilian divorce.If your ex-spouse is in the military and he’s behind on his child support payments, there’s a specific procedure you need to go through to collect what’s owed to you.First, you will need to...

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When you’re contemplating a later life divorce, you’ll understandably have some concerns. Many older couples have had quite a few years together, and it’s by no means easy to break a long-standing bond. There are a number of things to think about as you approach your Virginia divorce. Reactions of your adult children. You may...

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You should take special care when choosing an attorney to handle your Virginia divorce case. There are some questions you should ask yourself when you’re looking for a lawyer to represent you. Does the lawyer focus specifically on family law? Divorce involves the most important parts of your life: your children, your home, and your...

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What is no-fault divorce in Virginia?

If you’re considering divorce in Virginia, no-fault divorce may be one of your options. Most states offer no-fault divorce, either on its own or in addition to fault grounds. What is no-fault divorce in Virginia?In fault divorce, the partners have to state a reason or “grounds” for their divorce. Usually these grounds consist of adultery,...

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When you and your spouse end your marriage, you will have the responsibility of supporting your children together even though you are no longer a couple. Virginia child support guidelines exist to make sure that children of divorced parents receive a fair and livable amount of monthly financial support. Many divorcing parents have questions about...

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The 5 Grounds for Divorce in Virginia

People decide to seek a divorce for a variety of reasons. If you’re considering ending your marriage, you should become familiar with the grounds for divorce in Virginia. Grounds for divorce give reason to why your marriage ended. The 5 grounds for divorce in Virginia are the following: If the couple has been living apart...

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Understanding Virginia Separation Agreement Forms

Embarking on a divorce is difficult for anyone. Even for those partners who have no doubts about their incompatibility and are eager to end their marriage, the act of separation can be difficult for both practical and emotional reasons. As you begin the process of officially ending your marriage, you should consider a separation agreement....

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If you’re ending a marriage in Virginia, you will likely run the gamut of emotions during the divorce process. Even if you’re relieved and glad the marriage is over, you will likely have some difficult feelings to resolve. Ending a marriage in Virginia involves dividing property, creating custody and visitation plans for children, and very...

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