
In a Virginia divorce, both spouses are required to be open and honest regarding all their financial holdings and property. Unfortunately, not everyone is truthful when it comes to his or her assets. Hiding assets is not an uncommon behavior.It can be painful to think your husband would be dishonest with you during an already...

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The Issue of Separation in Virginia

If you and your spouse are having serious problems in your relationship and feel that ending your marriage is the only option, your first step is separation. A Virginia separation gives you and your spouse time to experience the reality of being apart and prepare for the life you will lead after divorce. In Virginia,...

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Virginia Women: What to Know About Leaving an Addict

When you’re seeking a Virginia divorce from a husband who has an addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling or sex, you should be aware of the unique, sometimes-complicated dynamics that are often at work in an addict’s relationships. Leaving an addict can be challenging. Many times, there are co-dependency issues between partners that aren’t always easy...

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What You Need To Know About Joint Custody in Virginia

Joint custody is one of the parenting plan options for people going through a Virginia divorce. There are 3 types of joint custody in Virginia, and it’s a good idea to understand the differences between them. In joint legal custody, the child lives with one parent, but both parents have the power to make the...

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Step-by-Step Guide to the Virginia Divorce Process

If you and your spouse are considering divorce, you should become familiar with the steps involved in the Virginia divorce process. Mediated or Negotiated Divorce In Virginia, the divorce process can begin in a number of ways. If you're negotiating a separation agreement, you may begin with having open, honest discussions with your husband about...

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Pendente Lite hearing affects Wife’s Virginia Divorce

A Pendente Lite (or temporary support) hearing is often your first actual appearance in front of the judge in your divorce case. If you have filed for divorce and haven’t yet reached an agreement, your attorney will probably schedule a PL hearing to help provide support while the divorce is pending. A PL hearing can...

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Remember ! Your Child’s Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) may oppose you in court ! Don’t ever lose sight of that possibility. You should not meet with a guardian ad litem before you have had time to talk with your attorney, if you have one. If you don’t have an attorney,you can have a one hour...

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If you have suffered a Virginia divorce but also are dealing with an angry ex-husband you may be at risk for parental alienation.The 3 ways that your ex may try to alienate you from your kids after a Virginia divorce include: criticizing you; spoiling your child; and withholding information. Joint custody in Virginia is difficult...

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