
Going through a Virginia divorce is difficult in itself, and when children are involved, it can exasperate and complicate matters. Although much research exists highlighting the detriments of divorce on children, there are also positive effects that it can have on children. This goes hand in hand with the unexpected positive effect divorce can have...

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Guidelines for Unallocated Support in Virginia

Family support payments-sometimes referred to in other states as unallocated alimony-are support payments designed to benefit both the recipient spouse and the children in a Virginia divorce. Unlike child support or conventional spousal support the support payments labeled as unallocated support are not divided into separate portions for child support and spousal support. Taxes are...

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Understanding the Tax Implications of Unallocated Support

Unallocated support-also referred to as family support or unallocated alimony in other states-offers families an additional option for allocating support payments following a Virginia divorce. Many couples that elect to settle on unallocated support payments instead of separate child support do so because of specific financial conditions, such as the taxable income of both spouses.Traditional...

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Military divorces usually transpire after a long road filled with struggle, added stresses, and painful emotions. It is estimated that 70% of military personnel have children and the military has a divorce rate of more than 3%, according to the Department of Defense. When those unique stressors that military families endure lead to divorce, the...

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The best way to receive child support from your husband after a military divorce is for him to voluntary assign it to you. However, many couples struggle with working agreeably after their divorce. Sometimes it may be necessary to obtain an order for legal garnishment of military pay for child support in Virginia. It's a...

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Actions that Can Cause You to Lose Your Non-Marital Property

In a Virginia divorce, both your marital and non-marital assets are taken into consideration when the courts decide how to reasonably distribute debts and assets. Non-marital property, also referred to as separate property, includes assets that are not a part of community property and are not divided between you and your husband.Separate property that can...

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Dividing Personal Property during a Virginia Divorce

If you are fortunate enough to be able to work amicably with your spouse towards a fair and reasonable Virginia divorce settlement, the best way to divide your belongings is to work together with the help of your respective attorneys and agree upon how to allocate your personal property. However, many couples cannot reach an...

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Domestic Violence and Military Divorce in Virginia

Domestic violence can happen in any family but military families are particularly susceptible. Military life can put a great deal of stress on a couple and this can sometimes lead to verbal and/or physical abuse. The military provides ways for domestic violence victims to seek help and justice. The Family Advocacy program responds to the...

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