
Collecting Child Support From Your Ex After Military Divorce

Although a Virginia military divorce may have slightly different rules and regulations than a civilian divorce, the post-divorce years present most of the same concerns and challenges, including difficulties collecting child support from an ex-spouse. If a court has ordered your ex-husband to pay Virginia child support and he is defaulting on his payments, you...

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How The SCRA Affects Military Divorce Cases

The Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is a law protecting military service personnel from civil actions. While the SCRA doesn't make a military member immune to lawsuits, it can delay civil court cases for certain periods of time. This act was created for servicepersons who are far from home and/or on a mission and...

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Transitioning From Military Life After Virginia Divorce

If you're a woman facing a Virginia military divorce, it's a good idea to be prepared. First, seek the counsel of an experienced Virginia divorce attorney to represent your best interests in court. Next, you'll want to prepare for the way your life will change after your marriage is legally dissolved. It probably took time...

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The period following your Virginia divorce is filled with adjustments for you, your ex-husband, and your children. If you were the primary caregiver for your children during your marriage, the Virginia child custody and visitation arrangements that come with divorce may create some anxiety for you. Your children will likely be spending at least some...

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January 11, 2011 – A recent story from Michigan that is making the rounds on various news sites has shown us that if you’re thinking of doing some detective work to gather information about your spouse during your Virginia divorce, you should consider the possible consequences. According to a story on, Michigan resident Leon...

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Avoiding Credit Repair Scams During Virginia Divorce

If you’re attempting to repair your credit during or after your Virginia divorce, you’re doing the right thing. Understand, however, that you have a big job ahead of you with a few pitfalls of which you should be aware.As the number of Americans in debt has risen over the past few years, the number of...

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Deciding To Seek a Virginia Divorce

The decision of whether to divorce your spouse is always going to be an emotional one. Even if marital breakdown has occurred to the point where you don’t have any romantic feelings left for your husband, it can still be difficult.The 2 of you have built a life together and you both will face some...

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January 3, 2011 – A recent study out of the University of Toronto indicates that children of divorce might have a higher risk of stroke. The study, referenced by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services looked at a group of older Canadians who grew up in the 1940s and 50s. Participants whose parents...

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