
The divorce process in Virginia can take some time. You might feel impatient and anxious while you’re waiting for your divorce to be finalized, but there are steps you can take during the divorce to make it go more quickly and smoothly. Prepare your family for the divorce. Talk to your children and anyone else...

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Seeing a Therapist to Cope With Marital Separation

If you’re considering a separation in Virginia, you have a lot to think about. Your first course of action is to consult a Virginia divorce attorney for advice on all the legal aspects of separation. Next, you should seek a licensed therapist to help you sort through your emotions.Separating from your spouse is a life...

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Being Honest With Your Virginia Divorce Attorney

There are many reasons why a couple would file for a Virginia divorce. Adultery is one of the most common reasons, and one of the most difficult topics to discuss openly with anyone. It’s normal to want to present yourself in a positive light to others, especially to someone who is supposed to fight for...

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Hiring A Private Investigator When You Suspect Adultery

If you’re a Virginia woman considering a divorce on the grounds of adultery, you will need to produce sufficient proof. Adultery can be difficult to prove. Virginia courts need to see evidence that shows that adultery took place, not just the possibility that it could have. One way to secure such evidence is by hiring...

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Managing Your Emotions During a Virginia In-Home Separation

The decision to separate from your spouse can be a difficult and painful one. For couples who choose Virginia in-home separation, there are unique pros and cons to consider. Virginia usually requires a couple to separate for 6 months or more before pursuing divorce. In-home separation isn’t the norm in Virginia, but it is one...

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If you’ve left your marriage because of domestic abuse, you may feel liberated and optimistic for the first time since you can recall, or you might feel scared and nervous about the future, and about your spouse finding out where you are. In reality, you probably feel a little bit of each. Leaving a domestic...

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Using The Services of a WomenÂ’s Shelter in Virginia

If domestic violence or abuse contributed to your decision to seek a divorce in Virginia, you can find help through women’s shelters. There are many such shelters in the state of Virginia that can be found online or through your local phone directory. Violence can sometimes escalate when a woman decides to break free from...

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The Ins and Outs of a Direct Examination

When giving your testimony, the cross-examination is usually considered the most traumatic aspect. A bad direct examination, however, can be equally detrimental to your Virginia child custody hearing. The Importance of the Direct ExaminationThe direct examination is your chance to tell your side of the story in a Virginia child custody trial. It is conducted...

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