
How long will it take to get a divorce in Virginia?

How long your divorce will take really depends on the kind of divorce you’re trying to get. A contested case almost always takes considerably longer than an uncontested case. What’s the difference? Well, in an uncontested case, you and your husband have already reached an agreement on how the assets, liabilities, and responsibilities in your...

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How Do I Find a Divorce Attorney?

Susan Pease Gaduoa gives three keys to finding the right divorce attorney. Finding an attorney is easy. Finding the right attorney is the trick. If you look in your local yellow pages, you will see that attorneys can have many types of specializations and there is often no shortage of them. Click on this link...

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What are the Benefits of Primary Physical Custody?

When you’re talking about a custodial arrangement for your children, you have to consider two different kinds of custody: (1) legal custody, and (2) physical custody. Legal custody deals with the right to make three kinds of decisions on behalf of the child: (1) non emergency medical care, (2) religious upbringing, and (3) education. Legal...

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What are the Challenges of Primary Physical Custody?

When a parent is granted primary physical custody in Virginia, the child lives exclusively with that parent and, in nearly all cases, the other parent has visitation rights that occur on a set schedule. The custody arrangement-also referred to as sole legal custody-can be beneficial for the child, but it also presents some challenges, which...

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Benefits of Joint Physical Custody

Virginia joint physical custody, according to the Virginia Legislative Code, refers to a situation in which the parents share custody and the child lives with both parents on a set schedule. Listed below are some of the ways in which shared child custody can be very beneficial for children of divorce: Shared custody allows more...

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The Challenges of Joint Physical Custody

As the Virginia Legislative Code defines it, joint physical custody allows parents to share physical custody of their child. In this scenario, the child can live with both parents on a routine, agreed-upon schedule. While shared physical custody can be beneficial because it allows the child to spend substantial time with each parent, this custody...

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What is the Difference Between Physical and Legal Custody?

During Virginia divorce proceedings, one of the most contentious aspects can be the issue of physical and legal custody of the children. According to the Virginia Legislative Code, there are important differences between legal and physical custody of which you should be aware. When a parent is granted legal child custody in Virginia, they have...

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How do I become Separated in Virginia?

One of the questions that I'm frequently asked when women come in for consultations is "Am I separated?" or "How do I become separated?". In Virginia, unlike some other states, you don't go down to the courthouse and file for separation and you do not have to have signed a separation agreement in order to...

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