
Can you take my ongoing family law case?

We get calls all the time to request second opinions on ongoing cases, particularly in cases where there has been a breakdown in the relationship between the woman and her current attorney. It happens a lot; after all, there’s a lot at stake in a family law case (especially where we’re talking about spousal support...

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Will you take my family law appeal case?

We get calls, from time to time, about appeal cases, both for custody and divorce. It’s not the most common type of call – appeals are, after all, more rare than other types of cases – but it happens. Of course it does! In a divorce or a custody case, there’s a lot at stake;...

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How do I get him to pay for my Virginia divorce?

We can all put divorce right up there on the tippy top of the list of things we don’t want to pay for, right? Even if you want the divorce itself, you don’t really want to pay the costs associated with it. A joke I hear all the time – especially when I tell random...

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College Costs in Virginia Divorce

College is expensive. I know, I know – not exactly rocket science, right? And, especially in my cases where there are older teenage children, my conversations often begin and end on college education and the costs associated with it. I talk to mothers all the time, and they’re all super concerned about their kids well...

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Divorce from an Abuser

I actually got into family law as a result of two abusive relationships, so I understand the ways it can shape you, affect your thinking, and alter the future. The first was a run-of-the-mill abusive boyfriend. I didn’t think about his behavior in those terms at the time, of course; it actually took me several...

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Divorce help when you can’t afford an attorney

Family law is hard. I know you know, if you’re facing a family law case. And you can bet your boots I know, because it’s what I do day in and day out. I understand the love a parent has for a child, having two of my own. I understand the degree to which a...

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Grounds for Virginia Divorce

My college roommate/best friend texted me this morning to ask whether, in my professional opinion, a recent transgression of her husband’s was grounds for divorce. She included a picture, of a bottle of syrup, with the name “Vermont Maid” proudly displayed across the bottle. I should probably also mention: my friend, Erin, is from Vermont....

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It’s hard to have a child with special needs. In this instance, I’m defining “special needs” pretty broadly, to include anything from a child so disabled that he or she will never live independently, and something as small as a general IEP or 504 plan for ADD. A “special need”, as far as I’m concerned,...

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