
What records do I need for my Virginia divorce?

I recently taught our Second Saturday seminar in Newport News, and I met a woman there who is providing the inspiration for this post. I think she hoped to learn everything there is to know about divorce in 1.5 hours, which is an admirable, but probably impossible, feat, though I was impressed with her diligence...

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It often happens that, before I see a client in my office, she and her husband and/or child’s father are negotiating some behind the scenes. Though I often think that’s a good thing (hey, cheaper to agree yourselves than to pay me to negotiate it for you!), it can also be frustrating when a client...

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The Fifth Amendment and Adultery

Like everyone else, I’m a little obsessed with Hamilton right now; I saw it at Chrysler Hall this past winter, and watched it on July 3rd as soon as it came on Disney+. I’m also (no secret here) a Virginia attorney, and I’ve been reading up, since July 1st, on the new law changes that...

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Un-Signing a Prenup

I talked last week about cases where a prenup is already signed (spoiler alert: YES, it IS a big deal!). The gist of it is that, in any case, a legal contract like a prenuptial agreement or a separation agreement exists in order to modify the law, and to make specific conditions apply to the case...

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What if I have a prenuptial agreement?

  Very few things strike fear into a divorce attorney’s heart as much as the words, “I have a prenup,” unless its “I already signed the separation agreement”. Either way, it’s very, very relevant information, as what you already signed can have a significant (and sometimes terribly detrimental) impact on your entitlements. When we speak...

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  We get a lot of consultations that are scheduled, and then rescheduled, rescheduled again, and sometimes even flat out cancelled. I get it. It’s scary. And coming in for a divorce consultation with a real lawyer can seem like a step that you may or may not be ready to take. I’ve compared it...

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Divorce and Compromise

A friend sent me a message the other day about divorce to ask me about her divorce. It happens all the time! She had gotten an inheritance from her grandmother, she said, and used it to buy a car and a trailer, but that her soon to be ex was keeping it hostage and she...

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I’ve written a bit on this before, but it was early on in the pandemic. It feels like eons ago to me now; the shock of actually facing a pandemic – which, to me, still sounds a bit like an actual plague – was surreal. When the schools were closing, back before the stay at...

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