
It’s not uncommon, over the course of a marriage, for one spouse to receive a job offer that turns things upside down. It seems like a no brainer to accept a change when it might mean a completely different financial future for your family. Of course, that’s not to say it’s easy. You may be...

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It happens sometimes that a potential client walks into our office, tells us their story, and ultimately walks away without a retainer agreement. There are lots of reasons we might not give a retainer agreement. Sometimes the potential client only comes in to get more information. Sometimes, they’re not really ready to move forward just...

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If I had a nickel for every time a friend or family member texted me with a random legal question, I could probably retire. But, of course, they aren’t interested in paying, they just want to get information. Sometimes, I wonder why – because I feel like I give the same answer to literally every...

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If you and your child’s father are no longer together, it makes sense that, sooner or later, one or both of you will find someone else. And it probably goes without saying that your someone else comes with his own baggage as well. Blending families – and making it work – is a complicated contention...

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Divorce puts many a woman in a pretty tough spot financially. It can be hard to get your feet back under you afterwards, and it’s tempting to think of any place where you might be able to skim a little money oft the top in an attempt to reestablish some degree of normalcy. In virtually...

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As far as procedure is concerned, adultery cases are some of the most difficult fault based divorce cases you can come across in Virginia. You have to meet a pretty strict standard of proof to satisfy the judge, you have to have a corroborating witness, and, of course, you have to follow all the local...

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How do I get him to agree to my terms?

How can I convince him to agree to my proposed distribution of assets? I’m continuing a conversation that I’ve been having all week, about a woman I met at a recent Second Saturday seminar monthly divorce seminar for Virginia women. On Monday, I discussed the kinds of records you should have to prepare for your...

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On Monday, I wrote about a woman who came to Second Saturday with a TON of questions.  I answered some of them in my article about the financial records you’ll need to prepare for your divorce that I published then, but I’m not done. I’m still talking about records, but today about personal property. Specifically,...

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