
It happens, probably more frequently than you’d realize. And, though it sounds a little scandalous on its face, in my experience, that’s almost never the case. In most of the cases that I’ve seen where a wife gets pregnant with a baby that is not her husband’s, it’s after a period of long estrangement where...

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GNO Valentine’s Day at the Banque

We’ve had a Valentine’s Day event for the last several years now, and we’ve found that they’re a pretty tremendous success!  Whether you don’t have a Valentine this year, or whether you’d just prefer to celebrate with girlfriends rather than a man, you’re not alone.  And isn’t that a beautiful thing? If we’ve found one...

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If you’ve been following us for any period of time, you know that education for Virginia women facing custody and divorce cases is kind of our schtick. There’s no one else out there with divorce and custody related information specific to the Commonwealth of Virginia and targeted exclusively to women. The goal, of course, is...

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It’s the million dollar question: “When do I give up negotiation and go to court?” At some point in many cases, there’s a time where it seems like further negotiations are pointless. When you’re at an impasse, and you just want your divorce finalized already, it’s easy to wonder whether going to court wouldn’t just...

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Is my separation agreement modifiable?

We talked on Monday about two of the big problems associated with finding a form separation agreement on the internet. There are all sorts of issues you can run into in family law cases, and, in an ideal world, you’d be informed about exactly what they are and what you can expect. A good way...

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Form Internet Separation Agreement

Reason number 2390123 I am more than a little terrified of random form documents that people find on the internet… Okay, well, honestly, in this case, two reasons: (1) people put in things that are in the form agreement “because it was on the form and just thought it needed to be in there” and...

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Can I get back child support?

In a lot of ways, child support is one of the easiest issues in a divorce or custody case. It’s one of those things that is more or less easily established, since the calculation is based on a formula. You plug in certain criteria – the incomes of each of the parents, the cost for...

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Virginia Custody Retainer

We get lots of frantic inquiries from women about pro bono divorce and custody services – something we really don’t offer (and, frankly, that no other law firm that I’m aware of really does offer, either). Pro bono is a hard thing, for a lot of reasons. Cases are expensive and time consuming; we really...

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