
Probably one of my absolute least favorite things in the entire world is when I have a consultation, and she tells me that she has court next week (or tomorrow, or in two days). So, yeah, next week is always kind of tricky – especially if your court hearing would require any kind of preparation...

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For the most part, the court system exists to help people reach resolution in their cases, especially when they’re unable to agree on a resolution between themselves. We use the courts for all types of reasons – when one party is unresponsive, when our client isn’t familiar enough with the assets and liabilities in the...

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Real estate is – sometimes – complicated. I started practicing law actively after the big crash in 2008, but I have been told by several other practitioners who were working at the time that property values meant that people who would otherwise have gotten divorced stayed together. When houses plummeted in value, it meant that...

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Girl’s Night Out at Beachside Social

Girl’s Night Out at Beachside Social If you’ve paid any attention to us over the last couple of months as you try to decide whether or not to move forward with a divorce or custody case, you’ve probably heard about our Girl’s Night Out event series. It’s a lot of fun and, if you haven’t...

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Should I get a divorce?

Sometimes, women come to me and ask me my opinion – not on a legal issue or point of law, but my personal opinion about their personal situation. I get it; I’ve been there, too. I often ask professionals, “What would you do, in my position?” so I can understand why this question would come...

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Bankruptcy and Divorce

If you have more debts than assets and you feel like you’re drowning, it may be that divorce shouldn’t be your first thought. Let’s break it down a little bit. Because, of course, financially, divorce CAN help, especially if there are some issues (like his general extravagance) that you want to get out from under....

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When Virginia Moms Lose Custody

The worst has happened. You went to court, and a judge ordered custody to your child’s father. You lost custody. You can’t believe it. You. Lost. Custody. You want to throw up. You’re panicked and terrified. What happens next? How do you get your kids back? What should you do now, and who do you...

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Drug and alcohol use is always a big deal in a custody case, especially if it is (or has been) the kind of drug use that interferes with a parent’s ability to hold down a job or co-parent effectively. In my experience as a divorce and custody lawyer, I’ve seen cases that have run the...

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